Saturday, August 9, 2008

NWN2 Online Gencon of sorts Sept 26th...

By JFoxtail

Hi NWN2 Builders and online friends:

As per my request on your blog(s) and or messages - we would be very interested if you would consider committing to an IRC or Net chat on the above dates for NWNCon 4 - hosted by Neverwinter

We are looking to firm up date, time slots, and participation.

You are all builders of substantial renown

I know that many players at Connections will be familiar with your work and eager to listen in - perhaps submit questions.

Above all - as I indicated we are looking to be inclusive on NWN2 and so have a proper NWNCon online that represents the "larger community" and puts to rest unneccessary division of the game. We have a number of members (i.e. Carlos) active in building (DMFI) in NWN2 and so hope to continue a home at connections for multiplayer.

I would envision you all participating in a Builders corner discussion:
- Ernie has recently been working with NWConnections people on DMFI a particular topic focused on Connections players interests...
- all on areas, toolset use, tips and practices, saving, most useful plug ins, challenges, current state, well just about all the above and what you look forward to.
-Mel - a unique sort of subject on her(his) Bishop Rommance , voice sound recording as she(he) is active in this I believe.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Ph...

The site is actually being hacked at in the current time.

Dont know why - seems pointless to me.

I encourage you all to visit the connections site for more detail as they become available .


Phoenixus said...

Well I'm not too sure why anyone would want to do that either.

But in regards to the things we talked about I am willing to make an effort.